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    黑龙江专升本 >试题题库 > 英语 > 全日制专升本英语翻译真题41-60(汉译英)上


    2020-08-17 14:11:17    来源:黑龙江专升本    点击:

      A. Indri is a large arboreal lemur of Madagascar, often perching in the trees and having large eyes and a rudimentary tail.

      B. Big lemur originated from Madagascar, that lives on the trees and with large eyes and withered tail.

      C. Large lemurs are indris mainly living in Madagascar, they often perch in trees and characterized by their big eyes and a regressive tail.

      D. Giant fox monkey belonging to indri spies living in trees, with big eyes and tails of vestige.

      42. 有些人永远都有好心情,而有些人从来不笑。

      A. Good mentality does not come to everybody. So some people never laugh.

      B. Some people are always in a good mood, whereas others never smile.

      C. Some people are forever happy-go-lucky, while others seldom smile.

      D. There are people who always have a light heart, but there are also others who keep pulling a long face.

      43. 我们采用了他的方法,将生产率提高了百分之二十。

      A. We have adopted his methods, thus improving the production by 20%.

      B. His way of production is accepted by us, so the productivity rose 20%.

      C. We promote the productivity by 20% by adopting his method.

      D. Production was improved by 20% when we had taken his method.

      44. 一个好的房地产代理知道当地房地产市场上的动向。

      A. A competent estate representative should know the tendency of real estate market.

      B. An effective deputy should have the ability to assess the estate market.

      C. An agent specialized in real estate knows well the local market of realty.

      D. One good estate agent knows the trends in local real estate.

      45. 我必须和另外三个人合用我的办公室,所以我们的空间很狭窄。

      A. We do not have a spacious office since we three people have to share the same room.

      B. I must share my office with three other people, so our space is rather narrow.

      C. We three do not have much personal space of ourselves because I and three others need to share one room.

      D. I have to share my office with three others, so our spaces are small.

      46. 对于能影响所有的人的决定,征求每一个人的反馈和意见永远是一个好主意。

      A. To ask for the feedback and opinions of everybody is always a good idea when coming to a decision that would affect all the people.

      B. It is always a sound idea to solicit for the feedback and opinion of everyone involved when it comes to a decision that will affect them.

      C. When you need to make a decision that could influence all the people, you should get to know the feedback and suggestions from everyone.

      D. You wouldn’t be wrong to take and consider the advice and feedback of the masses when making an important decision that would affect everybody.

      47. 尽管他年纪还不大,他已经需要戴一小部分假发用来覆盖部分的秃顶。

      A. He is still young, had had however to wear a partial wig to cover part of his bold head.

      B. Young as he still is, he needs to wear a partial wig to cover the baldness on part of his head.

      C. Though he is not old at all, it is necessary for him to wear a small hairpiece to cover his partial baldness.

      D. Despite of his age, he actually needs to wear a partial hairpiece to conceal his baldness on part of his head.

      48. 语言反映了文化,在美国英语中大量的具有贬义的与种族有关的词汇表明美国仍然存在着民族、种族间的紧张关系。

      A. Language corresponds to culture, the existence of a great deal of expressions that carries some derogatory sense and racial discrimination indicates there still is a tense relationship between nationalities and racial groups.

      B. Language and culture are closed connected. There still exists a visible tension among different nationalities and ethnic races in the USA, which is shown in the present day American English.

      C. Language reflects culture. The fact that there still exist a lot of words with derogatory meanings regarding ethnics and races shows that America still has very tense relations between nationalities and ethnic groups.

      D. Culture is reflected in language, and the large number of pejorative ethnic terms in American English shows that the United States still suffers from ethnic and racial tensions.

      49. 根据提出这条法律的韩国裔参议员保罗•申所说,该项法律得以通过,是因为“东方人”是个带贬损味道的专用词,是得罪人的。

      A. In conformity with this law, the state senator Paul Shin, a Korean-descendant said that the passing of this article is due to the fact that “Oriental” is a nomencriture that borders on disparaging and offending sense.

      B. According to the law's sponsor, Korean-American state senator Paul Shin, the law was passed because the term "Oriental" is "pejorative terminology" and "offensive."

      C. That’s because the term “eastern people” that carries an uncomplimentary sense that the passing of this article became facile.

      D. In accord with this item of law, which the Korean-offspring senator Paul Shen who proposed, remarked that this term of Eastman is rather offending and derogatory which created the smooth passing of the act of law.

      50. 他从伟大哲人的著作中寻求启迪。

      A. He seeks illumination from the works of great philosophers.

      B. He has found great enlightenment in the philosophical works of those sages.

      C. On his part the awakening ideas are all got from those great oracles.

      D. It is in the great works of philosophers that he tries to explore edification.

      51. 他是我唯一能想到的慈善家,把自己的钱财送人绝不附带任何条件。

      A. This is the only charitarian who comes into my mind who give others his money and property without any conditions.

      B. He is the only philanthropist I can think of who gave away his fortune with absolutely no strings binding its use.

      C. I can only find in my memory one kind and charitable personage with absolute no binding contitions when giving out his pelf.

      D. Giving away one’s own wealth to others without any requirements, he is the single philanthropist I can think of.

      52. 动物学教授的职位空缺,已登广告徵聘。

      A. There is a vacancy for the professorship in Zoology and it is advertised already.

      B. The professorship of zoology is vacant and has been advertised.

      C. The vacancy of professorship in zoology is already advertized its retaining.

      D. There has already been advertised the vacancy of a zoology professorship.

      53. 这位植物学家对白木树,如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树都很有研究。

      A. This botanist has made great contributions to the research of many hardwood trees for example American liriodendron, basswood, cottonwood.

      B. This botanist made a good study of many of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood

      C. The botanist specialises in endospermum medullosum such as Liriodendron basswood, or cottonwood.

      D. The botanist’s achievements concentrate on the research in endospermum medullosum, such as American tulip tree, basswood and cottonwood.

      54. 全区没有发生过大的环境污染事故,主要江河湖泊大多仍处于原生状态。

      A. There is no major environmental pollution ever found in the whole area, and the most of the lakes and rivers are still in an original state.

      B. There has never occurred any serious accident of environmental pollution, and the rivers and lakes are still in a state of primitive raw condition.

      C. No major environmental pollution accident has occurred in this area, and most of its major rivers and lakes are still kept in a primordial state.

      D. The whole area has not experienced any serious pollution. And the major lakes and rivers are still in a state of unspoiled nature.

      55. 他提到了他因口所犯的恶业,惨无人道地吃众生肉,如吃猴脑,鹅掌等。

      A.He admitted the ferocious action he had carried out to enjoy his appetite:the cruel consumption of raw meat,such as monkey cerebrum and geese palms.

      B.The man talked about the evil karma he had created with his mouth,because he cruelly ate living beings’flesh such as monkey brains and goose feet.

      C.He mentioned the vices he has committed for his edacity:eating creatures alive like savages,including monkey brains and goose feet.

      D.He had depicted the uncivilized deeds for the joy of his saliva:he had ruthlessly eaten animals alive,including monkey head and geese palms.

      56. 你管我叫“国人”或“数典忘祖”的人,这等于给了我批评你们泱泱大国的权利,正如我所拥有的对大马进行批评的权力。

      A.Don’t you call me “compatriot” or “a man forgetting his origin,”otherwise you are giving me the right to criticize your great and impressive country,as I have to do to my country Malaysia.

      B.You are actually granting me the power to make comments on your big country just as I do have for the criticism of Malaysia when you call me your fellow countrymen.

      C.If you call me a “national” or a “man oblivious of ancestry,” I will be given the authority of criticizing your large nation,as I do have for my own nation – Malaysia.

      D.Your calling me “citizen” and “defector” can only mean I may criticize your great country as I do to my own country –Malaysia.

      57. 我是一个我行我素的人,从来没什么人影响到我的想法。

      A.I’ve always been a person that persists my own ways,for no one could ever influence my mind.

      B.I am a person of my own;from the people nothing will affect my ideas.

      C.I am doing as I please,and there’s no one who can influence my thoughts.

      D.I am a person always going on my own way,and no body can ever affect my ways of thinking.

      58. 而他在人们心目中的普遍形象就是一个昏君:诡计多端,利令智昏的懦夫,其贪心之甚终导致群起而攻之。

      A.The general image of him in people’s hearts was a notorious dictator:a coward full of cunning tricks,and he was so greedy that invites attacks from many crowds of people.

      B.In the kingdom under his reign,he was generally regarded as monarch of low IQ,though brimful of cunning,yet blinded by the love of gain,which finally led to a general surge against him.

      C.His profile in the general public is such as despot,a coward blinded for lust for riches,and his avarice eventually caused accusations from all around.

      D.The popular image of him is of a classically bad king:a scheming,untrustworthy coward consumed by greed,whose rapaciousness drove his subjects to impose their will upon him.

      59. 他们当中大多数都将自己投身于和平与光明的寻求中,但有些人却剑走偏锋。

      A.A great many people among them have thrown themselves into the search of peace and Eghert,whereas some would rather have the sword go at a slant sharp edge.

      B.The majority of them have been in quest o a peaceful and bright future for the nation,while others have embarked on quite an unusual road.

      C.The greater part of them took an initiative in seeking peace and democracy,but the remining few would rather take some paradoxical ways towards success.

      D.While many of them devote themselves to the pursuit of peace and light,there are those who walk different paths.

      60. 这种向男性阿谀奉承的荒谬,在十九世纪的公共艺术理论中达到了顶峰。

      A.Such absurdity of male adulation went up to the summit in public artistic theories during the 19th Century.

      B.The absurdity of flattery towards the male reached its peak in the 19th century’s Public Art Theory.

      C.That fantasticality of fawning towards males went to the zenith in the public academic art of the nineteenth century.

      D.This ridiculous male flattering culminated in the nineteenth century’s common aesthetic theory.







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